Charles N. DeGlopper
Medal of Honor
Private First Class, U.S. Army, Co. C, 325th Glider Infantry, 82d Airborne Division. Merderet River at la Fiere, France, 9 June 1944. From Grand Island, N.Y.; 22, 28 February 1946.
He was a member of Company C, 325th Glider Infantry, on 9 June 1944 advancing with the forward platoon to secure a bridgehead across the Merderet River at La Fiere, France. At dawn the platoon had penetrated an outer line of machine guns and riflemen, but in so doing had become cut off from the rest of the company. Vastly superior forces began a decimation of the stricken unit and put in motion a flanking maneuver which would have completely exposed the American platoon in a shallow roadside ditch where it had taken cover. Detecting this danger, Pfc. DeGlopper volunteered to support his comrades by fire from his automatic rifle while they attempted a withdrawal through a break in a hedgerow 40 yards to the rear. Scorning a concentration of enemy automatic weapons and rifle fire, he walked from the ditch onto the road in full view of the Germans, and sprayed the hostile positions with assault fire. He was wounded, but he continued firing. Struck again, he started to fall; and yet his grim determination and valiant fighting spirit could not be broken. Kneeling in the roadway, weakened by his grievous wounds, he leveled his heavy weapon against the enemy and fired burst after burst until killed outright. He was successful in drawing the enemy action away from his fellow soldiers, who continued the fight from a more advantageous position and established the first bridgehead over the Merderet. In the area where he made his intrepid stand his comrades later found the ground strewn with dead Germans and many machine guns and automatic weapons which he had knocked out of action. Pfc. DeGlopper's gallant sacrifice and unflinching heroism while facing insurmountable odds were in great measure responsible for a highly important tactical victory in the Normandy Campaign.
Distinguished Service Cross
LTC (ret.) Fred Spaulding was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross (DSC) for his actions in the battle of FSB Ripcord in the Republic of Vietnam. The DSC is the second highest military decoration that can be awarded to a member of the United States Army for extreme gallantry and risk of life in actual combat with an armed enemy force. We are honored to be in his company.
The President of the United States of America, authorized by Act of Congress, 9 July 1918, (amended by act of 25 July 1963) has awarded the Distinguished Service Cross to:
For extraordinary heroism in action: Captain Fredrick L. Spaulding distinguished himself by acts of gallantry and intrepidity above and beyond the call of duty while serving as the Assistant Operating Officer. Headquarters Company, 3d Brigade, 101st Airborne Division (Airmobile) during the withdraw of Fire Support Base Ripcord in the A Shau Valley, Republic of Vietnam on July 23, 1970, Captain Spaulding, voluntarily left Camp Evans to provide direct aid to the besieged Fire Support Base and to the two Companies awaiting extraction. He then took command of a Scout helicopter and joined the battle to locate, mark and direct fire from all available land and air assets against enemy positions. While taking intense fire, Captain Spaulding directly exposed himself to enemy fire while marking enemy positions with smoke grenades and coordinating with multiple fire teams resulting in accurate and devastating results. Once the grenades were exhausted, Captain Spaulding fired his sidearm at the enemy until his helicopter was rendered inoperable by the mounting enemy fire. Undaunted, Captain Spaulding and his pilot were able to maneuver the crippled aircraft back to Camp Evans. When the pilot refused to continue the mission, Captain Spaulding procured a second helicopter. This second aircraft was subsequently damaged by enemy fire, as was the third helicopter that Spaulding obtained. In a fourth helicopter, Captain Spaulding returned to area of operations to continue the evacuation of the two besieged companies by continuing to draw fire upon himself and the aircraft. Captain Spaulding's daring acts of bravery and courage in the face of an overwhelming and determined enemy are in keeping with the highest traditions of the military service and reflect great credit upon himself, his unit, and the United States Army.
Frederick L. Spaulding